Scripture Reading - Philippians 4:16-19 RV (Revised Version)

16 for even in Thessalonica ye sent once and again unto my need.
17 Not that I seek for the gift; but I seek for the fruit that increaseth to your account.
18 But I have all things, and abound: I am filled, having received from Epaphroditus the things that came from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, well–pleasing to God.
19 And my God shall fulfill every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

Today the basic everyday “needs” of people are overshadowed by the many desires of those in the world’s system. The social media of this age has painted a picture of instant gratification without the constraint of spending. When we (ihlcc) were younger it was understood that you should be thankful for whatever you received because money didn’t grow on trees. We knew that money was earned by the work you did and no matter how much you worked it would not be enough to take care of everything you wanted. The thinking of our childhood was if we had food on the table it was enough because the “need” was met. Since we had a place to sleep and clothing to wear it was a good thing from God who supplies our “needs”. By no means did we grow up poor but surely we did grow-up with a mentality that if you had what you “needed” there is no room (or reason) to complain. As a matter of fact if we did complain about the food on our table our parents (as good parents will do) reminded us very quickly that many children in less fortunate conditions have no food at all, so be thankful you do. This is true both near and abroad since conditions have eroded enough through an over spending of some in authority that many little children are financially poor. Yes, it is one thing to have money for your own “needs” but it is another thing entirely to have extra money to help someone else. Therefore our (ihlcc) counsel is to start believing God to supply all your “needs” first, not looking for desires (wants, extravagant living) as a first step into believing God for financial provision because if you don’t know how to believe God for your basic “needs” why would you take a large jump into Him supplying your wants. Some preachers tell you to believe God for all fancy items because our God is rich but the issue isn’t God’s riches but rather the liberality of people. Yes, we do believe that God is rich in every area but God cannot give you money directly from Heaven. No, the Lord Jesus and Heavenly Father must get money to you through His already established system which includes people. This system is outlined in the Word of God which teaches working hard, being a good steward over the resources given to you and the Word of God teaches the principle of tithing. So don’t be foolish enough to think that God’s financial system of being a good steward financially (discipline in handling money) can be negated by a positive confession of prosperity. No, dear saint, love must be lived and your financial responsibilities to God and man must be thoroughly understood to enter into the prosperity of God. So start with having your “needs” met first, by good planning (budgeting) and complete obedience (submission) to God’s Word then you will become skilled at handling your money and after that start believing God for your wants (extra desires) as your position of prosperity increases. Remember, God said he would increase you and your children more and more but that is always in the context of you increasing in Godly wisdom, knowledge and understanding of His operation in the Kingdom of God. Amen.